Fidget Finder
Completed Fidget Finder.
Completed My Favourite Tools for Different Times.
One part of teaching I really enjoy is introducing students to tools they can use to relax, to help their focus, and to get out their energy. We actually do a whole morning where we rotate through sensory stations and students evaluate which items or exercises they enjoy. Different tools and strategies work for different people, and at different times! What they like is up to them - no judgement from me.
Of course, I do teach them the difference between tool and toy, so they know how I expect each item to be used.
We have free access tools in our classroom so that students can manage their feelings and states of being independently. (Okay, sometimes I’ll remind them of a tool they enjoy and ask if they would like to use it - but the choice is theirs.) The goal is to help students know themselves, how they learn best, and experience the autonomy to make choices for themselves.
Check out my blog post, Finding Calm as a Family, on how to use these at home or in the classroom!
Free Customizable Sensory Organizers
As with all reproducibles on this site, please attribute to (c) Kara Dymond, 2021
As with all reproducibles on this site, please attribute to (c) Kara Dymond, 2021