Blog Posts

Authentic #ActuallyAutistic Representation in Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
An interview with my student Israel Thomas-Bruce about being cast as Max in Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.

Join Them in Their Wheelhouse!
So, why’s it such a big deal that Danny calls me on the phone?
A blog post for parents about communicating and engaging with children or loved ones on the spectrum. Join them in their wheelhouse!

This is Autism, Too!
I am constantly learning from my students. Hear from Griffin as he talks about his school experiences while being autistic and how others can be more understanding.

Drama: The Most Important Subject?
How drama led me to teach autistic children … and why drama may be the most important subject!

Welcome to Skateboarding!
My friend Matt is passionate about skateboarding. Here’s some wisdom on making skateboarding - and teaching in general - more accessible!

Introducing Danny … And Me!
Kara Dymond, Author of The Autism Lens, reflects on how she ended up a teacher.