Blog Posts

VIDEO BLOG: Conversations with Kara - Ep. 3
A conversation with my student, Eilis, on being autistic, sensory differences, self-care rituals, media representation, and what she wishes teachers, families and peers better understood about autism! It’s essential viewing for all educators and parents!

VIDEO BLOG: Conversations with Kara and Maja - Ep. 1
A conversation with my friend, Maja Toudal, an autistic psychologist, author, and musician from Denmark. We tackle education, our experiences with neurodivergence, and much more in this very candid conversation!

Authentic #ActuallyAutistic Representation in Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
An interview with my student Israel Thomas-Bruce about being cast as Max in Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.

One of my favourite strategies for work periods, homework time, or projects - for teachers, parents/guardians to use with their learners.

VIDEO BLOG: Conversations with Kara Episode 2
A conversation with my friend, Bruce Petherick, about his experiences as a musician, teacher, and late-diagnosed autistic. We also cover neurodiversity, representations of autism, problems in education, creating a world that affirms everyone, and more.

Growing in Understanding
“So when a parent comes in with their gloves on ... understand it. Show them with your actions that you will do anything to help them. … once you are working as a team with the parents, the possibilities are endless.” In this guest Q&A, my friend Shira reflects on the importance of lifelong learning, representation, and how parenting a child with a disability has changed her as an educator.

Drama: The Most Important Subject?
How drama led me to teach autistic children … and why drama may be the most important subject!

Welcome to Skateboarding!
My friend Matt is passionate about skateboarding. Here’s some wisdom on making skateboarding - and teaching in general - more accessible!

Introducing Danny … And Me!
Kara Dymond, Author of The Autism Lens, reflects on how she ended up a teacher.